Thursday, February 3, 2011


Practical :- 1

Aim :- To study osmosis by potato osmometer.
Instruments and Materials :-  Petridish, scalpel, pins, Potatoes, sugar, water, eosine (stain).

Potato Osmosis Apparatus

Potato Osmosis Practical view

Observation :-     Observe the difference in surface of solution in Potato osmometer A and B after 2 hours.

Osmosis practical Observation

Conclusion :-
When Potato bath is placed in Hypotonic solution due to osmosis the water flows from petridish containing hypotonic solution to the hypertonic solution in the potato bath and water level increases.

When potato bath is placed in hypertonic solution due to osmosis the water flows from potato bath containing hypotonic solution to the hypertonic solution in petridish and water level decreases.

Water flows from petridish to potato bath containing concentrated NaCl (Hypertonic solution)